itenfr+39 06 85300769
Via Emilio de’ Cavalieri, 11 - Roma
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Insolvency procedures

Moreover, the Firm specializes in insolvency procedures and particularly procedures of Concordato (Arrangement with creditors), Liquidazione coatta amministrativa (Compulsory administrative litigation) and Amministrazione Straordinaria (Extraordinary Administration) (d.lgs. 30.7.1999 no. 270, as amended and supplemented: by d.lgs. no. 347 of 23.12.2003, converted into Law no. 39 of 18.2.2004; by d.lgs. no. 13 of 28.8.2008, converted into Law no. 166 of 27.10.2008; by d.lgs. no. 70 of 13.5.2011, converted into Law no. 106 of 12.7.2011).

More specifically, the Firm dealt with the entire matter of the Concordato della Federazione Italiana dei Consorzi Agrari (also known as Federconsorzi) protecting a certain number of employees of the Federation and companies controlled by it. In this regard, the Firm has provided consultancy throughout the entire phase of the relocation of its clients in the Public Administration; also taking on the role of civil party in the criminal proceedings initiated against the Concordato procedure.

The Firm has managed the difficult matter of the bankruptcy of the Cirio and Parmalat companies on behalf of various creditors, participating in the criminal trial instituted for fraudulent bankruptcy.

The firm has also assisted 13 Cooperative edilizie a mutualità prevalente (Construction cooperatives with prevailing mutual purpose) in the complex case of the compulsory administrative liquidation of the Consorzio Regionale Cooperative di Abitazione Coop Casa Lazio s.c.a.r.l., by acting as civil party in the criminal trial. In addition, the professionals of the Firm followed the long administrative phase which allowed the Cooperative edilizie (Construction cooperatives) represented to renegotiate their mutui fondiari (mortgages loans) as well as their procurement contracts in order to finish the construction of the housings and their final assignment in favor of the assignee members.

On behalf of some creditors, The Firm also dealt with the procedure of Amministrazione straordinaria (Extraordinary Procedure) involving the Italian Province of the Congregazione dell’Immacolata Concezione, owner of a number of healthcare facilities (including IDI IRCCS – Ospedale classificato San Carlo di Nancy) in the Lazio Region.

Let us help you!

If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

Tel: +39 06 85300769 Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00