itenfr+39 06 85300769
Via Emilio de’ Cavalieri, 11 - Roma
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Citizenship and statelessness

The experts of the Firm acquired many years of experience in the recognition of citizenship in relation to cases of acquisition of citizenship both iure sanguinis, by marriage and adoption, and by naturalization.

More specifically, our professionals offer counselling to foreigners who want to obtain Italian citizenship in relation to the presentation of the application for the recognition or the granting of said citizenship, and also assist them in challenging the rejection measures before various competent courts (respectively the ordinary judge for cases of acquisition of citizenship ope legis and the administrative judge in the case of granting).

Another area of expertise is the one pertaining to the the protection of stateless persons, by obtaining the status of stateless person: as it is well known, the Italian legal system protects the status of stateless persons, granting them the same rights granted to the beneficiaries of the refugee status.

The professionals of the firm assist their clients in this case as well, both from an administrative point of view, for those who intend to apply to the competent administration for the granting of the stateless status, and from a judicial point of view via the presentation of an application before the specialized sections in order to obtain the status against the Interior Ministry.

Let us help you!

If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

Tel: +39 06 85300769 Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00